Traditi-on Waste-off Virtual Hackathon 2024
Traditi-on Waste-off
Virtual Hackathon 2024
Welcome to the
Traditi-on Waste-Off Hackathon!
Rethink, Reduce, Reuse and participate!
Be part of the change
announce the International Virtual Hackathon on zero food waste and food waste prevention:
- VET students of the HORECA sector
- VET trainers of the HORECA sector

How can you participate?
The Hackathon has the following steps.
1. Team up with at least two more peers and one VET trainer
2. Design a menu of two dishes (starter and main course) according to the TRADITI-ON, WASTE-OFF HACKATHON 2024 Rules
(Hyperlink here)
3. Submit your proposal of Zero Waste Menu to in the VET LOVES FOOD webpage – access to the template
(Hyperlink here)
4. Submit the Co2 Emissions calculator with the carbon footprint of your menu – access to the template here
(Hyperlink here)
Minors can participate in the competition upon submitting the standardised Minors Consent Release Form
(Hyperlink here)
The jury is made up of three professional judges provided by ESHBI, ENAIP Veneto, and CEPROF.
The jury will assess each participant’s recipe, according to:
– the carbon footprint values extracted from the following formula, based on the CO2WEB carbon footprint values’ table, developed by Universidad de Alcalá:
– Plating of the dishes;
– Number of ingredients;
– Sustainability options (options for utilisation, waste reduction, generated waste).
– As part of the challenge, the cost of the menu of no more of 10€/person will be consider, but not assessed.

Don’t hesitate!
Participate in the Sustainable Culinary Competition.
See your Zero-Waste Menu causing sensation in Europe!
Apply and be part of the change!
The prize for the winner group will consist of the presentation of the winning menu in the VET LOVES FOOD Final Conference in Brussels, and the tasting of the winning menu after the VET LOVES FOOD Final Conference.
All that you have to do is to register and submit your application by the 18th of Mach 2024.
The best of the lucks to all the participants!