Name of the zero-waste menu: __________TRADITIONAL MENU__________________
Average values of the carbon footprint of the menu: ___________1822,7__________
Cost of the menu (non-assessable): _______________________________
Description of the dishes
Name of the dish: _____________Mushrooms in texture__________________
Carbon footprint value: ____________3603___________________
List of main ingredients and weights (seasonings and dressings not to be listed here):
- _________MUSRHOOMS______________________, ___142____ grams.
- __________CREAM_____________________, ___115____ grams.
- _____________POTATOES__________________, ____90___ grams.
- _____________ONION__________________, ____220___ grams.
- ________________RABBIT_______________, ___600____ grams.
- _______________________________, _______ grams.
Description of the dish (including sustainability options)
In the starter we stir fry the mushrooms, make a glass with the rabbit broth, fry potatoes and make a foam with mushrooms in the sifon, to finish we top it with frreeset mushroom.
Main dish
Name of the dish: ____Creamy rabbit rice__________________________
Carbon footprint value: _________________911,35______________
List of main ingredients (seasonings and dressings not to be listed here):
1. ________________RICE_______________, ____200___ grams.
2. ________________MUSHROOMS_______________, ___300____ grams.
3. ________________ONION_______________, ____320___ grams.
4. ________________RABBIT_______________, ___183____ grams.
5. _______________________________, _______ grams.
6. _______________________________, _______ grams.
Description of the dish (including sustainability options)
_In the starter we stir fry the onion and the mushrooms, then we add the rice, and we stir in the rabbit stoe. We brown the rabbit and we oven 5 min 180ºc and we top it with the rabbit sirloin.