The Spanish omelet is a very sustainable recipe because of its simplicity and the few ingredients used. Also, the spanish omelet is a dish thought for sharing, which means that, with little use of ingredients and a couple of cooking processes, the spanish omelet can feed many people, depending on its size. It is full of flavour!
For the cooking process, first you have to peel and deep fry the potatos with the onion low temperature until soft in a frying pan. Once the potatos and the onion are soft, whisk the eggs and add the onion and the potato to the mix.
Retire some of the oil that you used for frying the onion and potatos from the frying pan and poor the mixture in the pan. After a couple of minutes, flip the mixture with the help of a plate. Let it curdle to taste, and retire from the heat.
Your Spanish omelet is ready! Enjoy!