This event will offer an overview of the main activities and deliverables of the VET Loves Food initiative.
VET LOVES FOOD is a new European Project mainly addressed to VET teachers, trainers, students and schools. It intends to develop green skills in the agro-food curricula of VET educational pathways and to raise awareness in this sector on food-wasting prevention. We promote green skills to achieve SDG 12.3 and help to raise awareness on food-wasting prevention.
The partners will work to develop specific activities directed to accomplish the main objectives of the project, which are the design of agro-food curricula, the creation of a hands-on manual to prevent food-waste, and the creation of an e-learning hub on food-wasting prevention.
11:00 Welcome and Introduction (Lucrezia Palladini – CECE)
11:10 Presentation of the Project (Lucrezia Palladini – CECE)
11:30 Challenges and Opportunities for the HORECA Sector (Igor Ozamiz – ESHBI)
12:00 Why and How to join the platform (Stefano Tirati & Carlo Cavicchioli – LEARNING DIGITAL)
12:15 Question & Answers
12:30 Conclusions
Themes under discussion
- Why rethinking food provisioning
- How to reduce food waste
- Who can reuse food
This session will be of particular interest to practitioners working in vocational centres in the HORECA sector, aiming at excellence with regards to preventing food waste. In particular, it will be of interest to VET centres that wish to form partnerships or clusters with business operators in the food chain, from producers, to distributors, to restaurants and hotels. The project can be of interest to vocational teachers and trainers, school leaders as well as business operators with an interest in organisational self-assessment of food waste. It offers an opportunity to help shape the strategy and strategic partnership to contribute to overall European and National policies on food waste prevention.