Presentation of the Result 1 – Green Skills VET Curriculum in Agri-Food sector and Sustainable Practices

Today, the 30th of May, we held the webinar to present the first result of the VET LOVES FOOD project to our community: a Green Skills VET Curriculum in Agri-Food.

Lucrezia Palladini, as coordinating manager of the Project (CECE) opened the floor by introducing the main features of the VET LOVES FOOD Project to the attendees.

Afterward, Francesca Danda, from ENAIP Veneto, a partner from the VET LOVES FOOD Project, proceeded to present the Green Skills Curriculum in the Agri-food sector. She shared how this Curriculum can lead to improving current VET paths by introducing new sustainable procedures and practices in the HORECA sector.

Moreover, we counted on the presence of our Thai-associated partner, Benjamin Lephilibert, CEO of LightBlue Consulting, presenting their sustainable practices to prevent, measure, and raise awareness on the problem of food waste, oriented to the HORECA and the educational sector.

The VET LOVES FOOD consortium wants to thank the 34 attendees for joining us!

For those who could not attend the webinar, or for those who want to re-watch the webinar, the recording of the event will be available soon on our website.

Stay tuned to our social media! We will share the news on the webinar there!

We remind all the attendees that our Curriculum is available in the four languages of the Project (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and English) in the section media of the VET LOVES FOOD website.

Don’t forget to join our community and be part of the Change!


Last 31st of March, CEPROF offered an Educational Dinner in the frame of the VET LOVES FOOD Project, aimed at raising awareness against food waste through innovation in VET.

During such a lovely event, which took place in CEPROF’s facilities, the following menu was cooked and served by the students:


– Lupin humus with potato peel chips and naan bread

– Seasonal vegetables patanisca


Green pea cream soup with crispy bacon

Main course:

Chickpea burger with broccoli and spices sauce (the sauce is made out of the broccoli boiling water) roasted potato (with peel) and seasonal vegetables (pumpkin, broccoli and broad beans)


Bread pudding (can be made with bread leftovers) with orange cream (seasonal fruit).

During the event, attended by more than 40 people, the VET LOVES FOOD Project, was presented, along with its recently created Manifesto.

Here we leave you a great video of the preparation of the menu for the dinner! Don’t miss it!

We want to thank CEPROF, in the name of the whole consortium, for their excellent work raising awareness on food waste prevention and presenting the VET LOVES FOOD objectives, for a greener and more sustainable world!

Do you want to know more about the VET LOVES FOOD path? Visit our website and subscribe our Manifesto! Take the leap and be part of the change!

Stay tuned for more news about the VET LOVES FOOD Project!


In this short article we will introduce the main hierarchy to prevent food waste and the different options you can use before food disposal, ordered from the most preferable option to the least preferable option.

  • Avoid surplus food generation throughout food production and consumption.
  • Prevent food waste generation throughout the food supply chain.
  1. RE-USE (human consumption)
  • Re-use surplus food for human consumption through redistribution networks and food banks while respecting safety and hygiene norms.
  1. RE-USE (animal feed)
  • Feed use of certain food no longer intended for human consumption following European Commission guidelines.
  1. REUSE (by-products) / RECYCLE (food waste)
  • Revalorise by-products from food processing and food waste into added-value products by processes that keep the high value of the molecule bonds of the material.
  1. RECYCLE (nutrients recovery)
  • Recovery of substances contained in food waste for low added-value uses such as composting, digestate from anaerobic digestion, among others.
  1. RECOVERY (energy)
  • Incineration of food waste with energy recovery.
  • Waste incinerated without energy recovery.
  • Waste sent to landfill.
  • Waste ingredient/product for sewage disposal.

Learn more about this:

Webinar VET Loves FOOD, official launch!

Last Thursday 20th of October we hosted our first webinar to launch the VET LOVES FOOD Project to our growing community.

Lucrezia Palladini, European Project Manager (CECE) and coordinating partner, presented the main objectives, results and impact of the project. Her presentation encompassed the “soul”, values and drivers behind the VET LOVES FOOD Project.

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We counted on the presence of two partners of the project as speakers:

  • Igor Ozamiz, head of kitchen of the Higher School of Hospitality of Bilbao (ESHBI). He gave us a very interesting approach to how the HORECA sector is being transformed and must be transformed to meet the needs of a world in which food waste is a reality on a daily basis. Under the motto of “producing more with less”, Igor showed the participants a selection of products made entirely of food waste, which made us reconsider the numerous ways to avoid producing food waste in a very simple way.
  • Stefano Tirati, CEO of Learning Digital, not only explained the functioning of the VET LOVES FOOD Platform, but also encouraged the participants of the webinar to register by giving solid reasons why they should engage in our fight against food waste and be part of the VET LOVES community.
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We are very grateful for having those great speakers and partners and an amazing public.

All the participants have already decided to be part of the change to make the world more sustainable.

Thank you for making the first steps for the consolidation of the VET LOVES FOOD community!

Now is your turn. Join our community. Be part of the change!